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Tuesday, 30 December 2008
The first 2009 GAP Team prepares for Departure!
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Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Missing the taste of Africa?

Everyone who has taken part on Quest's Southern Africa Expedition will have had their favourite snakes, nibbles and bites! Whether it's Ms H.S. Balls' Chutney, Nik Naks, Lunch Bars, Biltong or Tastic Rice (perfect every time!) you just cannot find it over here.
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Monday, 22 December 2008
What says Xmas more than a pooing man?!

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Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Ancient City Unearthed in Peru

The site, near the Pacific coastal city of Chiclayo, probably dates to the Wari culture which ruled the Andes of modern Peru between the 7th and 12th Century. The once buried city showed evidence of human sacrifice. The remains of the victims were thrown over the nearby cliff, Cesar Soriano, the chief archaeologist on the project, told the Andina news agency.
Ceramics, clothing, and the well-preserved remains of a young woman were also discovered, he said. "It provides the missing link because it explains how the Wari people allowed for the continuation of culture after the Moche [died out about 600 AD]," Cesar Soriano was quoted by Reuters as saying. Mr Soriano said the find provides the first evidence of Wari culture, which was based in the south of the country, at the northern site.
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Intern Opportunities at Quest Overseas
We ask you to commit to at least 4 months, but ideally six months (either full or part time) and would cover all reasonable travel expenses. There is an opening for an intern position from January 2009, ideally for someone with interest and background in marketing.
If you're interested or would like to find more, please call us or send an email to
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Volunteering on the cheap

Of course it's not in everyone's budget, but don't assume that means you can't do anything worthwhile. There are hundreds of opportunities closer to home where you are supporting local communities and environments without having to spend much at all. The website Help Exchange has lists and lists of projects in the UK and Europe, where you can volunteer for any time from a week to a year.
We'd love you to go away with us, but more important we want you to just DO SOMETHING!
Visit the Help Exchange website here
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Friday, 12 December 2008
Royal Geographical Society
Royal Geographical Society with IBG, London
Wednesday 28 January 2009 - morning Wednesday 28 January 2009 - afternoon
A practical half day workshop that will equip you with all the skills you need to create a multimedia blog about your project or expedition.
The course is ideal if you are looking to:
· Create a multimedia record of your Gap Year / expedition
· Involve family, friends and sponsors in your project or expedition
· Have an online project or expedition CV for future funders
· Use your Gap Year / expedition as an educational opportunity and share it with pupils and teachers at your present/former school
Cost: £55 for a half day course.Details: T 020 7591 3030 E W
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Thursday, 11 December 2008
Kung Fu Squirrel?!

Yes a British photographer David Slator has the evidence. The pictures are real life ground squirrels from Etosha National Park in Namibia. They apparently found the camera very interesting and have been shot play fighting with each other.
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Grim Challenge no trouble for Quest Boys

Well done guys, despite waiting for the course organisers to break the ice on the water with sledgehammers and Land Rovers (!), Simon, Jonjon and Andy weren't fased and stormed through the 8 mile circuit last Sunday morning, finishing in a respectable 1144th, 1145th and 1146th! More importantly though, two children in Peru and one in Malawi will now have their primary school fees covered thanks to the generous efforts of our friends and family - thank you all!
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Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Update from our Peru Construction Project
Here's a brief update on the work the guys in Villa Maria are getting up to. Zoe, Trevor and Steph are working away to provide better living conditions for a family in the shanty town, just on the outskirts of Lima, keep up the good work guys.
Working on this construction project has also given them the chance to meet some of the families in the community and learn about their realities. One thing they have relayed back to us from this experience is the story of one child in particular, and they have asked us to pass on this message:
A young lad of three years in the school has a tumor, the size of a tennis ball, that is growing rapidly. He requires an operation to have it removed otherwise he will die. The operation costs 500 pounds but his family have no money to fund his operation. We thought of setting up a just giving account so that our family and friends could, if you wanted to make a small donation of just 2 pound. If 250 people donated, this young lad would have a chance at life.
Please use the link to donate a minimum fee of just 2 pound as this could make a small lad and his family's Christmas.
The money donated goes straight to Quest overseas, and they will ensure the funds go directly to Jose.
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Friday, 28 November 2008
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008

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Monday, 24 November 2008
Quest boys take on The Grim Challenge

On 7th December 2008, three fit young men from Brighton will take on all that Mother Nature can throw at them when they run the Grim Challenge in Aldershot.
8 miles of uncompromising mud, ditches, water filled ravines, cargo netting and the biting December chill. Jon, Simon and Andy are running to raise as much money as possible to send children from our projects in Malawi and Peru to School.
£300 – is enough to pay for 5years of secondary education for an orphaned child in the Pen Sulo district in Malawi.
£175 – is enough to pay for 1 year of school for a disadvantage child in the one of the largest shanty towns on the planet in Peru.
To check out how they are doing and to make a donation please visit their just giving page:
Just Giving Grim Quest Page
You can also send in cheques made payable to The Quest Overseas Charitable Trust, 15a Cambridge Grove, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 3ED.
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Friday, 21 November 2008
Andy's guide to rucksacs

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Thursday, 20 November 2008
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
It's official - gap years make you smarter!
Now whether this is because we actually become cleverer as a result of our gap year, or if it's just because we've got some of the post school madness out of our systems before we've actually started our degree, it can only be a good thing.
In any case, if you have an university interview coming up and they ask you to justify your decision to defer entry, you now have a statistic to back it up!
See the full article on this study here
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Domino Record Topples
4.3 million dominoes were set and then pushed over in Netherlands this weekend.
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Monday, 17 November 2008
Ever wanted to see a whale shark poo?

If the answer is yes then you're in luck - the BBC has just released the first footage ever filmed of such a monumental event. Whalesharks are the biggest fish in the sea - growing up to 12m in length and (thankfully) only eating plankton, krill and other tiny sea dwellers.
If you want to see a whaleshark yourself, come away on our African Expedition; our dive site in Mozambique is well known for visits from these magnificent creatures and you may be lucky enough to get the chance to dive or snorkel alongside one. You may not be lucky enough to see one poo check out:
BBC video
Quest Overseas has in the past been involved in photographing whalesharks for the eOcean database. The eOcean project aims to provide good quality data from earth and environmental sciences for future use in global change studies, research projects, and operational services such as portals, search engines and library catalogs.
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Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Elephants are a sheep’s best friend

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Car Sharing: Risk Assesment

On his travels across the globe, photographer Robert Neumiller spotted these locals doing “their bit” to help protect the environment:
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Monday, 10 November 2008
Bolivia's Salt Flats a potential gold mine?
Bolivia's immense salt flats are one of the world's largest sources of lithium deposits, and lithium is used to power electric cars. Supplies are dwindling throughout the world and it currently isn't being extracted from the Salt Flats, mainly because Bolivia is reluctant to allow foreign investors to come in and profit from its exploitation. However, there are plans in the pipeline for the Bolivian government to build their own extraction plant, with projections to be producing a third of the world's lithium by 2012.
This is fantastic news in that Bolivia may now have an resource which will help to alleviate the extreme poverty found throughout their country, and it gives the world an option to be much less reliant on fossil fuels.
But let's hope we can still continue to enjoy this fantastic landscape without factories popping up all over the place - it's never simple...
See an article from the BBC on this topic here
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Andy's guide to roll mats

Roll mats play two important roles. They insulate you in cold conditions and make for a more comfortable night’s sleep. There are hundreds on offer and all are different shapes, sizes and materials. So what’s right for you, the cheap and cheerful classic foam role mat or a top of the range thermarest? Here’s a quick guide to what's out there.
1. Foam Roll mat
Price £2.95 - £9
Extremely cheap and durable these mats provide adequate insulation but very little comfort. You will feel every stone and twig through one of these bad boys. Another disadvantage is the size, as such they are often attached to the outside of rucksacks. This often means that they become prematurely worn and torn.
2. Inflatable (airbeds and lillo’s)
Price £1.99 - £22.99
The predecessor of the inflatable camping mat everyone must have mucked about with one of these on family holidays. Beats lying on the floor but have a tendency to push up unevenly and are extremely liable to burst. Airbeds are more comfortable and with a texture finished they are less likely to stick to your face. However they tend to be extremely heavy and as such are not suitable for backpacking or trekking.
3. Inflatable (thermarest)
Generic and own brands - Price £17.50 - £45.00
Thermarests - Price £29.99 - £139.99 for the XL Dreamtime
There are loads of cheaper makes and many camping stores now produce their own versions of this favorite. The more you pay the smaller your mat will pack down and the lighter it will be. Thermarest have also just introduced tougher materials to avoid dreaded leaks which is the mats biggest downfall. Before buying think about what you will use your mat for. If you are planning on lots of trekking then go for something lightweight. If you’re looking for something extremely comfortable then go for something wide, long and thick. A closed cell foam formation will give you the best protection in cold conditions as well as making the mat less liable to holes.
If you speak to anyone who has owned a thermarest or equivalent they will never go back to a foam roll mat. If you do buy one treat it carefully to avoid punctures, also it's best to store inflatable mats not in their compression sacks as this can compress their inner padding, decreasing their lifespan.
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Friday, 7 November 2008
Introducing Monifa: Baby Pygmy Hippo
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Thursday, 6 November 2008

That's right, Movember has come round again, so its time for all you men to start growing a killer handlebar, dali, fu manchu, imperial, toothbrush or even the walrus.
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Kenyan Baby Obama's

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Apologies, Backstreet never left
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Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Oooooooooh! Aaaaaaaah!
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Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Peru's Andean Songbird
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Monday, 3 November 2008
Obama Musical opened Yesterday

This weekend saw the opening of 'Obama the musical' in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. Kenya's love for Obama stems from his Kenyan father and this can be seen and heard in the form of chants, songs and t-shirts. Even a beer has been named after him!
The musical is 'hotly awaited' and after much discussion over who should play the villain, John McCain was chosen. I must make clear that McCain will not be played by himself. The musical is set to be a huge success and a sequel has not been ruled out. I guess that will depend on what happens on election night!
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Photos of Summer Villa Maria Team
A selection of photos from the construction project in Lima earlier this year, the guys in Peru definitely know how to pull on the heart strings...! Great work though.
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Friday, 31 October 2008
Andy's guide to water purification

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How to climb Everest without leaving the UK

Don't forget the oxygen lads, or the rations (pork scratchings?) and look out for avalanches!
See an article on their challenge here
Sponsor them via their justgiving sites for CLIC Sargent and the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance
To visit the intrepid explorers, pop into The Anchor Inn at Seatown, the big push is taking place next March...
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Mystery GIANT Lego Man...
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Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Is gas Mozambique's answer to high fuel prices?

BP announced record fuel profits of £6.4 billion over the last 1/4, but fuel prices are still at a record high in the UK. In Mozambique and the rest of Southern Africa fuel as nearly doubled over the last 1.5years from 6 South African Rand/litre to over R10/litre. The result has been increases in food, transport and living costs which has also effected the tourism sector.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Dying to see an elephant on your Gap Year?
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Monday, 27 October 2008
Kunal Patel, Gap Year Guru

Thanks to a rather nasty facebook message from my good friend Kunal I have decided that if anyone wishes to send in photos or text about time spent with Quest Overseas or anything intresting they might be doing,I will feature them on the site. So as demanded for my angry little friend in Vanuatu, your ugly mug on the site.
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Gap Year Salsa Lesson
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Friday, 24 October 2008
Andy's Gap Year

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Thursday, 23 October 2008
Peruvian bid for next Olympics?
London has talked about simplifying the opening ceremony for 2012, I think they could get some tips from our children's project here in Peru! Joking aside though, what a fantastic way to combine sport and teaching kids about other countries - well done guys!
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Africa Credit Crunch

We have been hit hard by the credit crunch over here, but you may think that in Africa the effect has been even bigger. It seems that this is not the case.
This is due smaller economies in Africa which are affected less than huge economies such as the US and Britain and that banks in Africa have been very conservative with their lending unlike over here where recently you could get a mortgage five times larger than your salary. Davindar Sikand, managing director of Aureos Africa Fund, says that "most financial institutions are not directly impacted".
So is it all roses in Africa? The answer is no, it may well be the case that the price of eggs have gone up and you have to take out a small loan to pay for a pint, but Africa is still one of the poorest continents on the planet. The average wage in Malawi is just $170, whereas here in the UK it's $40,000! It's no better in South Africa which has raised investment money on foreign markets and is currently in an energy crisis.
So what is the answer? One might be to save some money and take time out to travel to Africa; you'll spend less than you would in the UK and at the same time boost their economies. Be sure that your money stays in the country you visit by using local tour companies, restaurants and accommodation.
BBC on-line article
The Times online article
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Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Norwich have the X Factor too!
After thought from Simon, "I agree Norwich are actually quite good!"
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Champions League: 36 Goals in one night!

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Welcome to new valued member of staff!

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Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Quest prepares for Children in Need
With Children in Need fast approaching, the Quest office is in discussion as to how we can do our bit. Latest idea is a sponsored dance off, I'm a little worried about the source of this inspiration though...
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Monday, 20 October 2008
Katie's Friends take the Grim Challenge

Lots of respect to Emma Taylor, Tom Morgan and Alistair Richardson for signing up to the Grim Challenge. They will run 8 miles through bushes, lakes and mud in deepest darkest December, all to help raise funds for Katie's Campaign.
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Botswana's Good Governance Pays Off

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Villa Maria 2006
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Everyone loves coffee!

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Thursday, 16 October 2008
Medal Heros parade through London

For those of you who live in London you might get a chance to spot all our glorious Medal winners from this summers Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is lead by the 'real McHoy' Chris Hoy who won 3 golds and dominated the mens cycling at the velodrome.
If you can't make it to London then you can check it out live on BBC on-line.
BBC live coverage
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Nutty News: Hope for the red squirrel
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Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Cherry Flavoured Malaria Pills

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Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Ivan Branckenbury
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Quest team supports Godchance in Tanzania

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Brighton Comedy Festival

Doom and gloom and grey skies have signalled the start of Autumn 2008. So what better way to cheer up than pop down to Brighton, not only to see us but to see some top-class comedy too?
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Early African Exodus

Similarities in the style of stone tools being made in Chad and Sudan with those manufactured in Libya during this key period, lend the theory some support, say the scientists.
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Monday, 13 October 2008
X Factor or Spoof? Hard to tell!
That was the most worrying thing about Peter Kay's programme last night, it was hard to notice much difference between this spoof version and the real thing. I think we've got a few new routines for our stage shows at the kids' project in Villa Maria, Peru this coming year though, that's how I'm justifying having watched it at least...!
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Ray Mears

You're lost in the middle of nowhere.
Dusk is present, soon to be greeted by the imminent blanket of darkness.
You are hungry and wet, you notice a figure walking towards you in shorts and penknife in hand.
Struck by fear you can't move! That is until you notice it's Ray Mears, warmth fills from within - you are saved. Undoubtedly a fire will soon be raging made from nothing but trapped wind and an eye lash, followed by a succulent meal of worms and leaves. The man is incredible, an office Hero. Bellow is an article from the Guardian
Autumn is Ray Mears's favourite season "because the campfire seems important again". Stags are rutting near his home in East Sussex and the low sun struggles to wipe away the heavy morning dew. Lying on the damp, leaf-covered ground recently, Mears came within touching distance of two curious deer. He must have kept very still. "Your body doesn't have to be still," he explains. "As long as you are spiritually still, then things happen. That inner current is most important of all. It draws things to you." He quotes the Canadian conservationist Grey Owl - "Remember that we all belong to nature" - and then recalls what was once said about the man: "'When the average person walks into the woods and they tread on a stick and it snaps, the animals unite against the intruder in silence, and part of that silence was Grey Owl.' I've always tried to be a part of that silence."
Britain's favourite bushcraft expert detonated a minor explosion earlier this year when he dismissed his rival TV adventurer Bear Grylls as "a boy scout" and "a showman". In a recent Guardian interview, Grylls graciously accepted that Mears was "much tougher" than he was. A plush restaurant in central London is probably not the ideal place for a survival guru to launch round two and Mears wants none of it. "It's boring," he says dismissively as he orders cream of watercress soup and tuna loin. He does not consider himself a TV personality and also rejects the survival expert tag. "I don't want to be stereotyped with this word, 'survivor'. I can't stand that. It's a small part of what I do," he says. "I'm a simple woodsman."
Mears is part of the way through filming a new BBC series in northern Canada and has just published a book of photographs culled from 300,000 images he has taken during 20 years of travelling the world. Between rather lovely portraits of native people from southern Ireland to Africa's Skeleton Coast, he writes that he seeks out "quiet moments rather than loud". From this year's Ray Mears Goes Walkabout to earlier series of Ray Mears' Bushcraft, his TV series are more sensitive and reflective than rival outdoor adventure shows. "Because I'm a woodsman, I live in the woods and I notice the subtle things that aren't normally spotted," he says. "I did have one producer who kept writing lines like, 'If you don't do this, you'll die in minutes.' It's just not true so I won't say it. I want to show things as they are. There's an immature view of wilderness as being a threat to human beings, but for most of the people I work with it's home."
Mears grew up in Kenley, Surrey, where the suburbs of south London meet the North Downs. How did he develop his great love for woodland? "I didn't develop it - it developed me. It found me." Being an only child, he believes, "was an important part of shaping me". There is still something stolid and short-trousered about Mears, even though he is 44. It is easy to imagine him stomping off on his own into the countryside as a boy. He would trace the source of a spring on his OS map or follow animal tracks. "Times alone are when you have a chance to listen to your own mind. That's something we don't allow ourselves today," he says. "I was very lucky to grow up in that generation before mobile phones. It's fascinating how thought processes today are constantly interrupted. Although we can communicate faster, we are able to think less quickly and less clearly because of these interruptions."
Unable to join the Royal Marines because of poor eyesight, he found himself taking a job in the City at 18. He soon quit and founded Woodlore, his "bushcraft school" which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. "I didn't know anything really," he says, but he had taught himself enough about lighting fires and edible wild foods to begin passing it on to ordinary people and professionals, including army units.
When he was 12, his father, a printer for the Times, gave him his first 35mm camera. Just as with his bushcraft, he went off on his own and taught himself photography, eventually winning commissions for magazines. "The best photographers are self-taught, I'm convinced of that - they are not full of pretensions," he says. Apart from David Bailey - "my goodness, he's fantastic" - his favourites are two National Geographic contributors, Sam Abell and Jim Brandenburg. Abell's photography "is very quiet", says Mears. "In the stillness of his images is genius." Mears, too, seeks out subtle images in quiet moments; photography is something he "absolutely" does for himself, squeezed around the hectic schedule of his TV trips.
Like many autodidacts, Mears expresses his hard-won knowledge in quite a fierce way. Occasionally this can sound like he's showing off. "I don't like showing off; I want to teach," he says. He is also keen to learn. "Sometimes people don't understand how I can have an expertise in so many different areas. But I do. For example, fungi. I went to Kew Gardens and studied with Dr Derek Reid, who was fantastic. I've always sought out the best sources, and if I become interested in a subject I am absolutely focused upon it and I will not leave it alone until I really understand it. I want to understand something to the point of innovation."
His latest obsession is deer management. Hunting is not always bad "and conservation isn't always good", he argues. "For example, nature safaris are not wholly good. There are some places where there are too many tourists observing the wildlife and wildlife has to alter its behaviour, in places where hunters make virtually no detrimental impact and bring money into the economy. Now that's counterintuitive." Mears enjoys stalking and killing deer and eating wild venison. Where does he stand on fox hunting? "We have spent a lot of money and effort to preserve an unendangered species at a time when common species of birds were becoming endangered." He would not hunt the fox but, "that doesn't mean to say I'm against somebody else hunting it".
People tend to "think emotionally" about conservation "rather than from a point of real knowledge," he says. "That's caring too much. You can love something to death." And yet there is an important emotional, spiritual dimension to his thinking. Setting aside woodland for preservation is not enough. "You also have to make it possible for people to access it, touch it, feel it, smell it, light a fire, sit around and enjoy it," he says. "Once you teach people the value of trees and plants around them, they see them as friends, they feel connected to them and they feel responsibility for them and conservation ceases to be a crusade, it becomes a way of life."
Mears is passionate about environmental education but has not yet been tempted by politics. I mention that David Cameron has been talking to people outside the normal political arena. "I think he's a good man. I'd like to meet him to gauge that better," he replies.
Beyond his enthusiastic, knowledgeable TV persona, Mears seems a very private, solitary man. He has no children of his own and two years ago his wife, Rachel, who was 50 and had two grown-up children, died of cancer. They had been together for more than a decade and had only recently married. Her ashes are scattered near a yew tree in Ashdown forest, a short drive from his home. Has he thought about a family of his own again? "My life goes where nature takes it. I'm happy at the moment and life has moved on. It must," he says. A slight redness appears around his eyes. "She was a tremendous loss but also the journey we made together was fantastic. That's what you have to remember. There's nothing else you can say really. I'm not one to cry over spilt milk. That sounds a bit callous ... I don't mean it like that, but you have to pick yourself up and carry on".
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Thanks Mum for the Meat!

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Friday, 10 October 2008
Shocking Sportswear

This is Stade Francais latest 'butch' strip.

This a dashing cycling suit from Italian Mario Cipollini.

And this is what our African teams will be wearing on their rest days next year!
Lets hope England are slightly less shocking tomorrow.
Have a great weekend.
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Thursday, 9 October 2008
Probably the best flip flops in the world!

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Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Big Cat Live BBC1

If you are a Safari nut like me then check out the live feed for this weeks special Big Cat Live series on BBC. This morning I watched 3 male leopards stalking 3 young cubs. As 2 of them scattered the last stood his ground, it is unknown if he survived, all will be revealed tonight on BBC1 at 8pm!
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Tuesday, 7 October 2008
"Lightning" Danny Vaz shines in Bristol

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