Friday, 6 February 2009

This Years Red Nose Day - Climbing Kilimanjaro?!

Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles is set to climb Kilimanjaro in 3 weeks time with a host of other celebrities including Gary Barlow and Cheryl Cole. The high profile event has been organised to raise money for a Comic Relief campaign aimed at preventing the spread of malaria through the use of mosquito nets. You can find out more about the challenge on the "Red Nose Climb" website.

At 5,895m Kilimanjaro is the World's highest freestanding mountain and to reach the summit usually takes a grueling 5 days through tropical forest to arctic conditions on the Uhuru Peak. Good luck to them!!

The photo above was taken at Quest's previous Tanzania project site in Marangu, at the base of Kilimanjaro. Here groups completed the building of a nursery school, library, a 3 storey accommodation block for the Vocational Training Centre amongst others.  Our project has now moved to the more arid lands further south in the Manyara Region.  The focus here is to create high quality schools that can provide the free education that the children of Tanzania deserve.  The school we are currently working on has a fully functioning sustainable organic farm which both teaches the children farming techniques as well as providing an income for the school and local community.

I want to volunteer in Tanzania this summer!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

1 tonne snake!

One of the worst films of all time 'Anaconda' starring J-Lo depicted a huge Anaconda in the deep rainforests of South America.  The snake in question seemed to get bigger as the movie went on.  It now seems that a creature this size did once exist.

A team from Canada have used known mathematical formulas based on snakes of today to estimate the snakes size and weight from its fossilized remains.  At 13 metres long and weighing over a tonne it would have been an impressive animal.  Thought to live much of its life in the water it may well have fed on very large fish and even crocodiles!

The reason for the snake’s enormous size is thought to be contributed to the climate at the time.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Kate's Amaryllis Blossoms!

For Kate’s Birthday last year we presented her with a beautiful Amaryllis bulb, that she could plant and watch grow.  Unfortunately it has come into full bloom while Kate is hundreds of miles away in Tanzania.  A well thought out present then?!

So here it is Kate, in all its glory for you to enjoy!

Monday, 2 February 2009

ITS SNOWING incase you didn't realise

I have tried, I really have. I made it into work (on time), resisted nailing the little cherubs in the parks with Snowballs on route but it has all got too much for me. This afternoon we are hitting the slopes of devils dyke armed with rice sacks a broken snowboard a sore foot and all the excitement of an 11 year old at Christmas! I can't sit behind this desk any more!!! Woop Woop!!! Fear not, we will still be contactable on the emergency number and will be back in an hour!

Snow hits Brighton and the rest of the UK

It's a first for me as a relative new comer to Brighton I have never seen this much snow so close to the sea.  Walking into work I overtook several cars as they spun helplessly in circles!  The heaviest snow fall for 15years has brought the country to a grinding halt, but never fear all our intrepid staff have made it into work!

I recon it's an excellent chance to throw snow balls and make snowmen; alternatively you could snuggle up inside and take the opportunity to plan your GAP year.  Why not try for some good advice.  There's loads of choice out there so do your research and find the perfect trip for you!