Friday, 2 January 2009

Guard dogs the answer to saving cheetahs

Namibia has the highest density of Cheetahs in Africa, however they are still seriously endangered.  Apart from hunting and the destruction of their natural environment another threat comes from farmers protecting their livestock.  A revolutionary 'out of the box' scheme has been to introduce dogs to guard herds of goats.

The dogs are introduced to the herd at a young age and form tight bonds.  When a predator approaches they are very protective and the herd will gather around them.  Anatolian Kangal dogs are said to fight to the death.  Since their introduction in 1994 the cheetah population has increased by a third.

Bringing in the New Year - by cross dressing?!

When in Rome, do as the Romans. When in Ecuador ... do we have to?!

We hope you've had an enjoyable New Year celebration and you've started 2009 as you mean to go on. It does seem to be the time of year when doing outrageous antics appear to be more acceptable, and this is true the world over. Above are photos of a Quest team on their gap year a few years back, enjoying the 31st December in Quito, Ecuadorian style. This involves men dressing as women and women dressing as men, and then taking to the streets to stop traffic and ask for money in exchange for a dance!!

It would be rude not to join in with the festivities, but I've never really understood the association of bringing in the new year with cross dressing - and don't those tights half itch on hairy legs!

Worth trying to introduce on the streets of London??

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

The first 2009 GAP Team prepares for Departure!

Preparations have been well underway for the past 4 months to get everything ready for the forth coming GAP teams departing in the New Year. The first group to leave for the sunnier climes of Africa are the Tanzania Team. Heading out to Babati near Lake Manyara the group will spend 6 weeks living and working with the community to build 2 much needed classrooms.

The group has donated between them a staggering £7650 to make the project possible. After their hard work they will then head off on testing, adrenaline filled and rewarding 6 week expedition to discover even more of what Africa has to offer.

The team will be sending updates and videos of their progress and you can follow their progress right here in the spare room!